Kindly note that the "Bouquet of the Day" comprises flowers that are currently on a discounted sale. Please be aware that you will not have the option to select a specific style or particular flowers for this arrangement. If you are looking for a bouquet that resembles the one pictured, we recommend exploring our catalog for a wider range of choices.
Bouquet of the DAY
Fresh Flower
Add balloons with personal message ( Personal message for balloons should be filled in your cart)
Put into the surprise box with balloons
Each day, our talented team carefully selects a unique combination of flowers, blending colors, textures, and scents to create a one-of-a-kind bouquet.
GOOD DEAL PRICE for a bouquet of fresh available season flowers
Style and color will be chosen by the florist
Available sizes: M, L
Bloom box of The Day
Fresh Flowers
Add heart-shaped balloons
Add balloons with personal message ( Personal message for balloons should be filled in your cart)
Put into the surprise box with balloons
"Bloom of the Day" – a phenomenal deal on a meticulously crafted floral masterpiece! Our expert designers have handpicked the freshest and most captivating blooms to create this stunning arrangement that is sure to impress.
GOOD DEAL PRICE for a bouquet of fresh available season flowers
Style and color will be chosen by the florist
How our Surprise box looks like?
Try one of our Surprise boxes– any arrangement/bouquet of your choice packed together with three foil balloons.
A beautiful, fun gift to send to anyone: unravel the bow, lift the lid and watch the balloons fly out!
Lovingly packed and tied by us right before we send it your way, brighten up someone's day by sending them a Surprise box!
Watch this!
Kindly note that the "Bouquet of the Day" comprises flowers that are currently on a discounted sale. Please be aware that you will not have the option to select a specific style or particular flowers for this arrangement. If you are looking for a bouquet that resembles the one pictured, we recommend exploring our catalog for a wider range of choices.