Fast anniversary bouquet Singapore delivery

Anniversary is a celebration of the moment you and your lover decide to become a couple. You don't have to be married to celebrate an anniversary. It could be the anniversary of the beginning of your relationship — or the first meeting. The main thing is that it should be the date you started as a couple.

When planning the celebration of this date, think about what will bring happiness and joy to the face of a loved one. What will remind him or her of those feelings that arose in your souls once? What will become a beautiful and solemn symbol of your tenderness and fidelity?

Giving flowers on a wedding anniversary or the beginning of a relationship is one of the great traditions. A beautiful bouquet or flower box is an elegant and noble way to express your emotions. In addition, there is a unique language of flowers. He will help you compose a secret message for your loved one.

Anniversary bouquet in Singapore — flower language

When choosing a relationship or marriage anniversary bouquet, you can buy the flowers that your significant other loves the most. Such a bouquet will be a wonderful individual gift. After all, we all have different tastes — someone loves bright flowers, someone prefers more modest and delicate ones. Best wedding anniversary flowers are the ones you like the most.

However, there is a specific symbolism of flowers for anniversary bouquets. You can take advantage of it by including particular flowers in your bouquet to express one specific meaning.

Also, some flowers are considered symbols of a special anniversary. They can also be included in a bouquet to emphasize that you appreciate every year spent together.

The association of colors with the duration of marriage is also worth considering if you are buying an anniversary bouquet for parents or other close people as a gift.
  • Carnations
    Carnations are flowers of joy and pleasure. Each color of carnation symbolizes something different. Red carnations express your admiration for your loved one. White emphasizes the purity and sincerity of your feelings. They are also considered a symbol of good luck. Soft pink carnations are an opportunity to say ‘thank you’ in the language of flowers. You can choose one color or arrange a bouquet of multi-colored carnations to express the full range of your emotions.

    Carnations are traditionally considered the flower that is associated with the 1st anniversary. But suppose you want to thank your spouse or express your admiration to him. In that case, no one bothers you to add these flowers to a bouquet for any anniversary.
  • Sunflowers
    Sunflowers are a wonderful gift for a partner who is as sunny and bright as this flower itself. In an anniversary bouquet, they embody worship. After all, the sunflower constantly turns to ‘look’ at the sun, as if it worships him. This flower symbolizes deep fidelity and constancy — one of the essential qualities in spouses.

    In addition, sunflowers are cheerful flowers. A bouquet with them invariably causes a joyful smile on the face of the recipient. Sunny and bright, sunflowers look great both in a mono-bouquet and in combination with other flowers — pink, purple, purple, white.

    Traditionally, the sunflower is the flower of the third anniversary.
  • Hydrangeas
    Lush and tender, hydrangea is a symbol of gratitude to the beloved. If you want to say thank you for the fact that your loved one is next to you to express gratitude, love, and tenderness, then pay attention to the hydrangea.

    It is customary to give hydrangeas on the fourth anniversary. A precious gift is a blue hydrangea, the emperor's flower.
  • Chamomiles
    Chamomiles have many wonderful meanings related to relationships, love, and family. Perhaps they were chosen as the flower for the 5th-anniversary bouquet.
    There is an old sweet tradition of guessing on chamomile, tearing off the petals, and asking, ‘loves — does not love.’ Chamomile is often associated with this ritual for girls, which predicts a romantic future.

    Giving chamomile, we seem to be telling the recipient that his virtues are as numerous as the petals of this delicate flower.

    It is also believed that the chamomile flower symbolizes the development of family relationships. Its petals are directed outward, embodying the desire for expansion. And at the same time, they are tightly connected in the middle, personifying family unity and the strength of relationships.

    Chamomiles look very good in mono-bouquets. Such a bouquet looks both gentle and cheerful. But they are also combined with daisies of other shades and other flowers.
  • Tulips
    Tulips are not only wonderful and elegant flowers. They are considered the personification of a declaration of love. According to the legend to which this symbolism goes back, the soft black core of a tulip embodies a man's heart in love, which burns the ardor of passion.

    The tulip is the flower associated with the eleventh anniversary of a relationship. The 11th wedding anniversary of flowers in Singapore is considered a significant milestone. It is the first anniversary after the first decade of marriage. This year, the family is believed to enter a new round of relations. The first ten years of grinding and getting used to are behind, and new achievements, development, and prospects are ahead.
  • Peonies
    A lush and luxurious peony is a symbol of romance and prosperity. Peony represents a successful and happy marriage. It is also believed that peonies symbolize wealth, good prospects, and material well-being for the family.

    Peonies are associated with the twelfth anniversary. In festive bouquets, they will look good with roses, carnations, and chrysanthemums.
  • Chrysanthemums
    Chrysanthemums are the guardians of fidelity and unity of the family hearth. These flowers in Asian tradition symbolize abundance. Chrysanthemums are presented on the thirteenth anniversary of a wedding or relationship. However, this flower is one of the popular anniversary bouquet choices, regardless of the length of the relationship.
  • Orchids
    Orchids have a vibrant range of symbols. They embody beauty, love, care, and wisdom. To emphasize your affection, give a bouquet dominated by pink orchids.

    In traditional symbolism, orchids are associated with the fourteenth anniversary.
  • Roses
    Roses are the flower of love, passion, and perfection. A bouquet of roses would be appropriate for any anniversary but is traditionally considered a symbol of the 15th anniversary. Red, white, pink roses are the favorite ways to say ‘I love you.’ If you want something more exotic, choose orange or blue roses. One of the favorite wedding anniversary bouquet selections is roses of different shades, collected in a single composition.
  • Asters
    Asters are considered magical flowers, a talisman of family love. They represent patience, understanding, and wisdom. These qualities are inherent in mature love, tested by time and trials. That's why asters are the choice for the 20th-anniversary bouquet.
  • Irises
    Irises are also associated with a long and happy marriage. They personify sincere faith in each other, hope for many more years of a happy life together, family wisdom, and promises of solid love until old age: Iris — flower for the 25th-anniversary bouquet.
  • Lilies
    Lily is a flower with a unique and unforgettable aroma. It represents true devotion, pride, and beauty — another sign of an important milestone in the couple's life. Lilies are the main element of the 30th-anniversary bouquet. If you wish, you can choose a bouquet in which lilies coexist with delicate chamomiles or lush chrysanthemums.
  • Gladioli
    In the language of flowers, gladiolus means remembrance. It is chosen for the 40th-anniversary bouquet — the date when so many shared memories have accumulated. Gladiolus is also a flower of warriors, strong people. After all, it is named after the gladius — the sword. Remember these flowers if you want to wish your parents a happy 40th birthday. Show how proud you are of their many years in your union.
  • Yellow roses
    Yellow roses stand out significantly. They embody the golden color, the color of the fiftieth anniversary. Gold and love are a fusion of the most precious things in the world, emphasizing a particular date significant for the couple and their offspring.

    A 50th-anniversary bouquet should be more than just pretty. It should be luxurious, fancy, perfect. Choose for it the most golden, sunniest roses.
  • White flowers
    Has this subtitle surprised you? Well, in this case, we will tell you which 60th-anniversary bouquet you should choose for your mom and dad — or grandparents.
    There is no particular symbol flower for a diamond wedding. On this anniversary, a bouquet of white flowers is made for every decade spent together — one type.

    Choose the flowers that your parents love the most. It can be white roses, simple chamomiles, white peonies, or white hydrangeas.

    To our great joy, if you choose flowers for your soulmate on the 60th anniversary of your family, choose a large bouquet of snow-white roses. It is an unspeakably beautiful way to confess your love after all these decades — even now when your heads have become as white as these magical flowers.

Anniversary flower delivery Singapore    

Smile at your romantic partner and feel special with the prettiest anniversary flowers from Floral Dreams. If this is your first date and you find it difficult to choose flowers for your sweetheart, contact us, and we will help you choose first anniversary bouquets. And, also, we will deliver it as quickly as possible to you, your beloved, or your family.

Don't forget that you can send a happy anniversary bouquet with your name and kind words to make the gift even more heartfelt. With our flower shop, choosing and sending an anniversary gift online in Singapore is pleasant and not difficult at all.