Everyone will say that roses are the most romantic flower. But it would be a shame if these truly beautiful, delicate, and fragrant flowers were given only to beloved ones. Therefore, roses are only a symbol of romance.
The most passionate roses are red. Intense scarlet color is a symbol of a kiss, declaration of love, attraction. At the same time, you can look into the florist flower shop for red roses for a gift for an adult, mature, successful woman. Especially if you are female — such a present will not be perceived in two ways.
Pink shades are tenderness, sincere affection, a smile. Light varieties will be perfect for a bouquet on a first date. You can also pamper your beloved sister with a bouquet of light pink roses. Darker pink roses are perfect as a gift for a mom or even an older colleague.
White roses in modern reading are wedding flowers. But they can also be used as an element in bouquets of roses of different shades. White symbolizes purity and openness.
Roses of yellow, orange, and peach shades are a manifestation of the donor's non-standard taste. They will be the best present for a public person, especially if he is associated with art. If you are attending theaters, presentations, or other similar events, a bouquet of these roses would be an excellent choice.